Move_me Newsletter Edition 07 / December 2021

144 Oxford is officially open

On Monday, 18 October 2021, the 144 Oxford building was officially opened... [Read more]

Whose got the best moves?

We would like to give a big shout out to everyone who took part in our Show us your moves activation... [Read more]

We have our winners!

The long wait is finally over and the winners were finally selected live at our online year-end event where the team drew names... [Read more]

Paying tribute to the JHB Campus

Now that we've moved into 144 Oxford, we thought it was time to reflect on where we've come from and pay tribute to our time... [Read more]

GSS gears up to move to Oxford Parks

GSS has just kicked off with their Move_me campaign and will be moving into Oxford Parks in March 2022... [Read more]

Safety at 144 Oxford

The safety of all employees is always our number one priority. We encourage all employees and contractors to report anything suspicious... [Read more]

Move_me News Update / December 2021

Checking in to your hotdesk

Often desk bookings are made and not utilised, making the desk unavailable for other employees...
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Move_me Newsletter Edition 06 / September 2021

Moving along nicely

Our move to 144 Oxford kicked off on Monday 6 September, on time and on budget...
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Show us your moves and win

To create some fun and engagement, we've set up a virtual reality camera at the main entrance...
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Imagine winning a R25 000 holiday

The good news is if you've been spinning our Wheel of Fortune twice a week and answered... [Read more]

Eat your heart out

If you haven't seen or been to Nambitha Gardens, our new restaurant, or the Vuka Coffee Bar you're missing... [Read more]

Go to gym for free

If you think we are joking, or there's some catch, think again, and keep reading... [Read more]

Safe & Secure

Having spent so much time working from home, it's easy to forget how important it is to follow... [Read more]

GSS Packs up in CBD

At the end of August, GSS returned to the CBD to do their final pack up. GSS will be moving to...
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Move_me Newsletter Edition 05 / August 2021

Completion of 144 Oxford

With our move beginning on 6 September 2021, we are thrilled to announce that the building is...
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Latest news from our Townhalls

We had our fifth Townhall on 18 August 2021, which was a resounding success with hundreds...
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Pack up at the Johannesburg CBD Campus

We made significant progress with the pack up, with it being complete before the end of August... [Read more]

Moving into 144 Oxford

As you all know, everyone has been assigned a specific day for their move... [Read more]

Food for thought

You've got to admit, Nambitha Gardens looks nothing like a traditional canteen and with the... [Read more]

SPIN & WIN on our Wheel of Fortune

If you haven't had a spin on our new Move_me Wheel of Fortune yet, you're missing out big... [Play more]

Looking back, moving forward

While many have already packed up at the Johannesburg CBD Campus, the process will continue till the end of... [Read more]

Move_me Newsletter Edition 04 / July 2021

Move_me Townhall 4 Recording

Check out our Move_me Townhall 4 recording...
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Watch the CEO of Anglo American Platinum on tour

Join Natascha Viljoen, Chief Executive Officer of Anglo American Platinum, as she takes her first tour...
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Safety and Progress Update

The Project Re-imagine team are proud to report that we've reached a major milestone at 144... [Read more]

Johannesburg Campus Pack Up & Move to 144 Oxford

During our last Movers Session, we shared all the details we have on the Johannesburg Corporate Campus Packing... [Read more]

Floor Plans & Visitor Booking Process

Check out 144 Oxford floor plans and how easy it is to book in a visitor... [Read more]

Health & Safety at 144 Oxford

Get the answers to the latest Health & Safety questions... [Read more]

Move_me Newsletter Edition 03 / June 2021

How things are moving along at 144 Oxford

With the third COVID-19 wave in full swing and the reintroduction of amended Level 4 restrictions...
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The why, what and when of Cloudbooking

Being agile and responsive is essential in our...
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Packing up your office in the CBD

The big question that everyone wants the answer to...
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Movers make their first move in the Precinct

The T&S Movers made their first move, attending... [Read more]

Our FutureSmart way of working

The world of work changed dramatically, almost...
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GSS move to Oxford Parks

While the move is still a year away, in May Leaders... [Read more]

Move_me Townhall 3 Recording

Check out our Move_me Townhall 3 recording...
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Show us your best moves

If you've got the moves, we want to see them. You can...
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Move_me Newsletter Edition 02 / May 2021

Move_me TownHall 1 Q&A

We recently ran our first Townhall where a lot of questions were asked about the... [Read more]

Movers get ready to start packing

A big thank you to everyone who nominated Champion Movers, we appreciate... [Read more]

Last call for Shapers nominations

We're still on the lookout for Move_Me Shapers, and we need your help...
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Just up our street

It's official! GSS will be moving into Oxford Parks, just up the street from 144 Oxford... [Read more]

6 Stars from the inside out

“We built sustainability into the refurbishment of 144 Oxford Road”, said Anton Uys... [Read more]

Tick tock tick tock tick tock...

It's almost hard to believe that the move to 144 Oxford Road will begin in exactly... [Read more]

Move_me Newsletter Edition 01 / April 2021

Our first Move_me Townhall

Click here to watch the video and get the answers to the Townhall questions.

Putting you in the know

To capture the anticipation and excitement of our move, we've created a fun and interactive communications campaign called 'Move_me'. [See more...]

144 Oxford opens its doors

The first official tour of our new offices at 144 Oxford Road in Rosebank took place on the 3 March 2021.
[See more...]

Health & Safety update

Get the latest news from our our Project Lead, Anton Uys who talks to the measures they've taken at 144 Oxford to put your health and safety first.. [See more...]

What the move means to Anglo American

Following the first official tour of our new offices to 144 Oxford, we caught up with our Group Director, Nolitha Fakude. [See more...]

Watch Mpumi Zikalala talk about the move

And catch a glimpse of 144 Oxford from the outside. [See more...]