Looking back, moving forward
How do you say goodbye to the place we called home? A place where we built our reputation as a world-class organisation and created a dynamic, caring culture that we still ascribe to today. A place where history was made and barriers were broken down. A place that embodied empowerment and transformation.
So many momentous occasions and life-changing opportunities happened on the campus. So many memories and stories fill the empty corridors and rooms. So many careers and friendships were built on all floors throughout the buildings.
Remember When...
To give our Johannesburg Campus the farewell it deserves, we will be running an exciting campaign, Remember When... where we invite each and everyone one of you to share your
favourite memories and stories of working in the CBD.
We’ve made it so easy to enter - you can simply send us a WhatsApp, voice note, video, or email 144oxford@angloamerican.com with your stories. These will all be curated into something incredible, which will bring to life the story of our buildings and the beautiful people who worked there.
So keep a lookout for our Remember When... Campaign and start thinking about the most incredible moments, memories and stories you want to share.