Let’s Talk Safety

Let’s Talk Safety

#3 Understanding Fire Safety – Emergency preparedness and response

Think about it

  • Preparing for a fire incident plays a vital role in ensuring that the right controls are in place, and everyone knows what to do, where to go and how to keep themselves and others safe when an emergency occurs.
  • Familiarise yourself with the emergency evacuation plan for your area of work.
  • Always know where the emergency exits, escapeway or refuge bays are, no matter where you are.
  • Participate in fire drills and emergency exercises so you know how to act in the event of a changed TARP condition or emergency evacuation.
  • Know where the firefighting and suppression equipment is located and how to use them.
  • Report any damaged or broken emergency equipment.
  • Always go directly to the designated place of safety.
  • It is vital that all colleagues, contractor colleagues, visitors on site have been accounted for in the event of an emergency.
  • If in a building, use the designated emergency stairs to exit. Never the elevator.

Talk about it

  • Are you aware of the emergency evacuation procedure at your work site / operation? Have you participated in an emergency exercise or fire drills? How successful was it and what improvements need to be made?

Act on it

  • In the event of an emergency evacuation, follow:
    • Your site procedures.
    • Fire warden, statutory mine official or control room operator’s directions.
    • Proceed to a place of safety and if required don a Self-contained Self-rescuer device.