Let’s Talk Safety

Let’s Talk Safety

#2 Hazard reporting

Think about it

  • High Potential Hazards (HPH) are those which, if the energy was released, could result in single or multiple fatalities.
  • A strong focus on hazards has seen a 53% increase in HPHs reported – this allows us to proactively assess and manage those hazards.
  • Hazard reporting helps prevent re-occurrences, provides greater understanding of safety risks, and creates lessons learned and a safety-minded culture.

Talk about it

  • Hazardous energy is any source of energy that can be dangerous due to a discharge of stored energy. When did you last do a safety share or toolbox talk on energy sources and related hazards and risks?

Act on it

  • When you see a hazard, resolving it in the best possible manner within your capabilities is only the first step. It is just as important to follow with the second step: reporting it so others are aware and benefit as well.