Let’s Talk Safety

Let’s Talk Safety

#1 – Hazard identification and reporting

Think about it

  • A hazard is an unsafe working condition or any source of potential damage, harm or adverse effect on something or someone.
  • By understanding and being able to identify hazards, and consequences, we can help make sure that we are all working safely, in safe environments,
    and prevent incidents.
  • An effective way of identifying hazards is to work as a team – include people familiar with the work area, as well as people who are not – this way you have both experienced and fresh eyes available to to spot the hazards.

Talk about it

  • Hand and finger injuries are easily avoidable. What pinch points or potential hand and finger hazards can you identify in your work area?

Act on it

  • Conduct regular inspections of the workplace, before, during and after your shift to identify new or recurring hazards.