Download The New Functions Booking App Today!

Download The New Functions Booking App Today!

How to access the app

Scan the QR code Site code:

Via app stores:
  • Download the Head over Meals App from the Play Store, App Gallery or Apple Store.
  • Log in to the App using the Test Username 0099112233
  • Select Order Now and the two merchants will appear, Functions Ordering and Take-Home Dinner
  • Select the merchant you want to order from, select the day, select the order period and the menu categories will show.
Via a link:
  • App Link: Head Over Meals (
  • App Test Username: 0099112233
  • Password: 12345
  • Once logged in, select Order Now and follow the same instructions once the two merchants appear

Download the new Functions Booking App and familiarise yourself with it as all functions bookings will be done through the App from September 12. No email requests are being considered after this date.
