This Women’s Month, we celebrate and honour the many sacrifices that women make both in the home and at the workplace. Also, whenever social, or political injustice reared its head, women stood in solidarity, making their voices heard.
Therefore, with much gratitude, respect and admiration for all they have done and continue to do, we are creating special curated moments.
Share your “Woment” with us and stand a chance to win one of five vouchers to the value of R2000:
A career coaching course, a photography course, an @home voucher, a Le Creuset or spa voucher.
What is a Woment?
It is a distinct experience that when shared, helps to create a positive outlook, while empowering and uplifting you. Woments can happen anywhere… at home or in the workplace, or even socially.
It could be that life-changing book you’ve just read that you’d like to share excerpts from to inspire those around you.
Or, sharing your favourite brainstorm spot where creativity, problem-solving and personal growth happens. It could even be sharing those special inspiring moments with family and loved ones. If it’s positive, inspiring, uplifting and beneficial…
this can be defined as your Woment. And, we’d like you to share it with us.
Three easy ways to share your special Woment with us:
Spell it out!
Write your Woment clearly on a sheet of paper and take a picture of you holding it up for the world to see. Then, email it to us at womine@angloamerican.com.
Act it out!
Send a short video on how you create Woments that help you stay motivated and inspired.
Submit a short 30-second (maximum 1 minute) video telling us all about your Woment, and send your video via email to womine@angloamerican.com.
Take a picture of you experiencing your Woment, and submit it on the Engage App, along with a brief explanation describing why this special Wow Moment is unique