Recognising Pride Month in South Africa

Recognising Pride Month in South Africa

On 13 October 1990, South Africa’s first Lesbian and Gay Pride March was held in Johannesburg – the first Pride March on the African continent.

Pride Month in South Africa is now commemorated annually, highlighting and recognising the impact and continuous advocacy and advancement of Queer Rights and sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC).

Pride Month also particularly highlights the violence and infringement of the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Over the next few weeks, keep an eye out for communication and activities that recognise Pride Month. You should also look out for a year-end mocktail event where our Real You and Real You Allies will have the opportunity to network, have colourful conversations, and discuss how to play a meaningful role in Real You.

As part of our Pride Month celebrations, we also have some vibrant Pride Month MS Teams backgrounds – download your choice here.
