Let’s Talk Safety

Let’s Talk Safety

#2 Fatigue management – Why am I so tired, what can I do about it?

Think about it

There is a wide range of possible fatigue triggers. These include:

  • Physical health conditions: unrelenting exhaustion may be a sign of a treatable underlying condition you can be assisted with.
  • Mental health conditions: fatigue is a common symptom of many mental health issues and may be accompanied by symptoms including irritability, difficulty sleeping and lack of motivation.
  • Excess, unrelenting stress can also provoke/lead to feelings of physical and mental fatigue without having a mental health condition. This is commonly called “Burn out”.
  • Lifestyle: excess alcohol or other drugs, poor diet or lack of regular movement/exercise can lead to feelings of fatigue.
  • Fatigue is commonly caused by a number of factors working in combination.

Talk about it

  • What do you do to combat stress at home?
  • What strategies have you used if you start to feel physical and mental fatigue at work?

Act on it

Healthy routines are the best way to prevent fatigue:

  • Stay hydrated with plenty of water.
  • Practice healthy eating with a varied diet based on fresh food.
  • Prioritise your sleep and try to avoid screen time up to an hour before going to bed.
  • Make plans for regular exercise and movement.
  • Moderate your alcohol intake.
  • Speak to your family, friends, colleagues and always seek medical advice if you can’t manage your fatigue alone.