Take Charge of Your Career

Take Charge of Your Career

Boost your career development with our latest resources on Eureka!

It’s always important to take the opportunity to reflect on your achievements, recognise any gaps in skills or experience, and take the initiative to keep developing.

With that in mind, we have developed a range of resources to help and support you to take charge of your career.

What’s on offer?

Visit the new Career page on Eureka! to explore various resources, designed to help you consider what a successful career looks like to you, to clarify your
career goals, and identify actions you can take to progress towards these goals.

You can also sign up to online interactive workshops designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on your career and plan for your future.

The sessions will also give you valuable tips on everything from improving your networking skills to building your own personal brand.

The when, where and how

The next session is on Thursday, 01 August.

Book for the Activating your Career session here.

The workshops are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese across multiple time zones, so everyone has the chance to join the two recommended 90-minute sessions.

“Our careers need to be nurtured by each of us, so we can flourish. Please use these new resources to make that happen for you, by increasing your knowledge, closing any skills gaps, and really taking control of your own development.”

Monique Carter, People & Organisation Director

Career WorkshopLanguageRegionDateSA time
Activating your CareerEnglishEMEAThursday 1 August10h30 - 12h00
Activating your CareerEnglishEPACTuesday 6 August08h00 - 09h30
Activating your CareerEnglishEMEAWednesday 14 August16h00 - 17h30