Monday Safety Huddles
Strengthening safety together: Weekly 15-minute team check-ins.
Safety is of paramount importance to us in our organisation. Regular reminders of good safety practices, discussions of safety compromises and how to avoid repeats, all help us become safer in all we do.
Regardless what safety topic we choose to discuss, Monday is our Safety Huddle Day. So every Monday, find 15 minutes with your team to have a knowledge-sharing, safety-related chat, which you can even structure as a quiz.
By way of example, you can find out how much your colleagues know about the location of the nearest first aid kit and fire extinguisher, the evacuation routes, the building assembly point, or where the floor evacuation chair is. We’ve all seen them but are we able to say exactly where? Or you could chat about not walking and talking on your cellphone, holding the handrails while using the stairs, and maintaining good hand hygiene what with all the handshaking we’re back to doing.
Remember, you can also choose to discuss psychological or emotional safety, as these matter in our organisation too. And at your safety huddles, remind your team of the 144 Oxford Helpdesk, where they can log calls if there is anything that is broken or seems unfit or unsafe for use: