Our Digitisation Metamorphosis
We’re branching off into paper-free territory!
When we moved to Oxford Campus, we embarked on our journey towards a paperless office by packing up our storerooms and, through a smart labelling system, marked all documents to be moved, archived or destroyed.
Now, the drive to implement a paperless, sustainable future is in full swing.
Essentially, there are two systems for archiving documents:
- The Archive Library with hardcopy documents residing in De Beers House (JHB)
- The Online Digital Library with scanned documents including documents from the Archive Library
We need you to help our digitisation metamorphosis.
While each business unit is creating their own Blueprint Guide for their specific requirements, we would greatly appreciate your support in kickstarting the process by sorting through boxes once more to either Archive or Discard.
Documents marked for Archive will then be sorted into Hard Copies or Digital only. Thereafter, business unit representatives will work closely with librarians and Iron Mountain South Africa Records and Data, to scan, name and index selected documents.
Let’s reach for the virtual clouds by working together to save the trees and going paper-free!