Need IT Help? Use The IT Service Desk

Need IT Help? Use The IT Service Desk

No-fuss IT

We’ve been making a number of changes to the IT self-service portal to make it easier than ever to use, and we’ve added a number of new items. Remember, this is the place to go to request new IT hardware and software, or to get something fixed or changed.

So, if you haven’t yet used it, or haven’t used it in a while, please give it a go.

Why do I need to know this?

  1. Email is deceptive – you may think it’s the quickest and easiest way to get IT support, but it’s actually the most inefficient. It can take a number of email exchanges for the IT service desk agent to understand your request or issue, and emails get easily missed.
  2. Instead, when you make a request using the IT self-service portal, you simply follow prompts to be guided to the correct item for you. It is then automatically directed to the correct resolution team (we have many of them!).
  3. You can now request items on behalf of other colleagues, and the IT self-service portal automatically notifies the correct line manager for approval.
  4. If you can’t find what you need, or aren’t exactly sure what you want, you can always get in touch with your local IT lead or visit your onsite Tech Bar.
  5. You can quickly access the IT self-service portal: click on the IT Help button on your MS Teams toolbar, and then select IT self-service portal. You can also get IT support on the move, using the MS Teams app on your mobile device.

Why should ALL requests be made using the IT self-service portal?

If you haven’t yet used the IT self-service portal, we strongly encourage you to do so. Remember, it can be quickly and easily access via MS Teams – simply select the IT Help icon on your Teams toolbar.
