Healthy Minds: Stress Reduction
‘Nearly all our decision-making is done while in an unmindful state. Operating in autopilot contributes to our stress and the effects of stress filter down to the brain’s DNA.’ So says Dr Ellen Langer, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University who studies the illusion of control, decision-making, ageing and mindfulness theory.
When life becomes challenging, we can experience an automatic negative reaction to stress, increasing anxiety levels until our stress becomes chronic. But by building up our mental resilience and awareness, we can respond mindfully to our challenges.
When we apply stress reduction techniques, we restore our balance and boost our immunity.’
In this week’s session you can learn how to:
Mindfully manage daily stressors, moment to moment
Breathe better, as stress caused by anxiety can make it difficult to breathe properly
Understand and implement the art of resting
‘The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another’
– William James