1. When can I pack up my old office?
The Move Champions met the Move Team during the week of 7 – 11 June to go through the respective department’s areas and store rooms. Based on the magnitude of packing required, the champions will assist in indicating the preferred dates that each department/ team will come into the office for packing their personal belongings to take home, as well as a box that will be moved, on your behalf, to 144 Oxford. The logistics around the packing will be managed in a phased approach with strict Covid 19 protocols in place. Your Movers will manage the packing up process and inform you of dates, times and details. Packing boxes and labels will be provided on the day of your packing
2. Will we move old files from the old building to the new building?
With limited space at 144 Oxford Road, you will be able to pack and move files that you work with regularly, to the office in 144 Oxford. Files with specific legal retention periods, will also be moved to 144 Oxford. There will be a separate project to archive / digitize old information. Those files will temporarily be stored at the JHB Campus, until the policy has been approved.
There will be storage facilities for recent files, for each department at 144 Oxford. The detailed information will be shared with your champions for further communication. Packing up and clearing storage rooms will also be coordinated through your Move Champion.
3. I am a De Beers Group employee, when can I pack up my old office?
Your Mover will be in touch when the De Beers Group will be packing up and moving.
Click here to see a list of the Move Champions.