
Move_me Townhall 5 Recording

The final Townhall before our move took place on Wednesday 16 November.

Mpumi Zikalala shared her message with the Kumba family and the project team took the opportunity to share vital information about what will happen on Day 0 – the day of the big move! This included an explanation of the time slot system, some fast facts about 144 and key event dates to look out for. Our new competition was also introduced – so make sure you “Spin to Win”!

Watch the townhall recording below. Click here to get the latest answers to your questions.

Move_me Townhall 4 Recording

Our fourth Townhall was held on 26 October to discuss and navigate the moving of Kumba Iron Ore’s corporate office to 144 Oxford. During this townhall the project team discussed important information about packing and sorting and we had a little fun with our live participants playing “Spot the Box”.

Watch the townhall recording below. Click here to get the latest answers to your questions.

Move_me Townhall 3 Recording

Our third Townhall was held on 05 October to discuss and navigate the moving of Kumba Iron Ore’s corporate office to 144 Oxford. 

During this townhall our project team covered issues around security and what to expect in October.

Watch the townhall recording below. Click here to get the latest answers to your questions.

Move_me Townhall 2 Recording

Our second Townhall was held on 14 September to discuss and navigate the moving of Kumba Iron Ore’s corporate office to 144 Oxford. 

During this townhall we covered the access card process, the incredible EVPs 144 Oxford has to offer and the launch of our first competition.

Watch the townhall recording below. Click here to get the latest answers to your questions.

Move_me Townhall 1 Recording

Our first Townhall was held on 25 August to discuss and navigate the moving of Kumba Iron Ore’s corporate office to 144 Oxford.

During the Townhall, we discussed how a single building helps us to develop the Anglo American brand identity (while maintaining our individuality as a business unit), and why our move is the right move, strategically speaking. The amazing features of the building itself, as well as the more logistical side of the move.

Watch the townhall recording below. Click here to get the latest answers to your questions.