Our First Townhall

Preparing for the big move

Our first Townhall was held on 25 August to discuss and navigate the moving of Kumba Iron Ore’s corporate office to 144 Oxford. This is an exciting time that comes with various changes (and challenges) that will open up incredible opportunities for next-level collaboration – from an environmental, technological and people perspective. For Kumba to come out on top in this ever-changing world, we need to have a future-enabled workforce, which is exactly what we’re working on moving towards.

During the Townhall, we discussed how a single building helps us to develop the Anglo American brand identity (while maintaining our individuality as a business unit), and why our move is the right move, strategically speaking. The amazing features of the building itself, as well as the more logistical side of the move.

We answered some of the questions that came up about space and occupancy, the moving date and the value proposition of the new canteen and gym. Expanding on the security measures we have in place, guards will be patrolling the grounds 24/7 to ensure you never feel unsafe when walking between the Gautrain station and the office. We encourage you to ask one of the guards to escort you, should you leave the office late.

For more FAQ’s, click here.

If you missed the Townhall, click here to listen.
