
The Packing and Sorting Process

A pack-up and sorting campaign is required at the Kumba Centurion HQ prior to their move to 144 Oxford Road. The primary purpose of the pack-up and sorting is to ensure that only what is needed by the Business Units is moved to 144 Oxford.

The purpose of these pack-up and sorting days is to ensure that employees safely dispose of all superfluous waste prior to their move and to encourage participation in this tedious but necessary task. It is vital that we get the employees involved in their pack-up and sorting, as they know their business best and are best suited to make the decisions with regard to the sorting of their documentation, retaining or shredding thereof.

During your pack-up and sorting, the project team and Spacelabs (The relocation company) will assess the volume of documentation required to move across to 144 Oxford. Spacelabs will then assist in allocating storage space at 144 Oxford and confirming the same with the business.

A detailed program has been developed, whereby each business unit will have a specific day when their teams will be allowed on campus to pack-up and sort their spaces. In due course, a specific day and time will be shared with you, as to when you and your team will be required to come to 144 Oxford to collect their access cards and have a tour of 144 Oxford.

The pack-up and sorting process is grouped into three categories, with the below descriptions:

Category 1
Dispose / Destroy / Donate

Category 2
Digitise / Archive

Category 3
Relocated to 144 Oxford Road

Coloured move stickers, with the above descriptions, will be distributed to the Move Champions and staff members to identify what category a specific type of document falls under. It is encouraged that each box of documentation receives one of these stickers to assist with the sorting process.

Further to the above, a more detailed move label will also be distributed for staff to stick on the boxes. This label is to be used to identify the type of document contained in the box as well as the ownership thereof.

Pack-up and Sorting Stations

Pack-up and sorting, covering the below items to be destroyed or donated:

  • 1 x red wheelie bin – Non-Confidential Documentation
  • 1 x lockable red wheelie bin – Confidential Documentation
  • 1 x crate – obsolete IT items – E-waste
  • 1 x crate – charitable items / ‘find me a home’ for example obsolete stationery, Lever-arch files, gifts, reference books, cups, crockery, bulk dry food items, etc.
  • 1 x crate – obsolete branded material for example outdated banners, old-branded brochures, marketing material, etc. 

No food, tins, beverage containers etc. must go into the bins.

Due to the nature of certain documents, the relocation team has ensured that on-site shredding takes place. Prior to any shredding taking place, the Move Champions and Business Heads will need to give the project team formal approval to destroy documentation. This process will be correctly governed to ensure that the documents get disposed of responsibly. 

Digitise and Archive Workstream

Anglo American has started with the Archiving project,  to assist with the digitising and archiving of documents. As we get to developing your Business Units Blueprints and start with your archiving, the exact detail around this workstream will be communicated to you.


The Spacelabs crew will be clearly identifiable in their orange uniforms. They will be able to assist with emptying the bins, carrying and moving large volumes of documentation, sorting and bringing new bins to the floors and on-site shredding.

Spacelab boxes, for the primary use of the relocation, will also be supplied on these days to assist with the packing up of the office space. Please do not pack items to be relocated into a Metrofile or Iron Mountain boxes.

Staff who may have any questions are to please channel these through to their Move Champions, who are equipped with the answers or able to contact the Relocation Team to get guidance and the correct answers.

Packing and Sorting Instructions

Focus on cleaning up your personal workspaces and the bulk filers, storerooms and team storage units

Spacelabs will be there to support your packing, and they will be able to assist with any manual labour required

The team merely needs your directives, in assisting with the clean-up and packing 

There will also be clean-up stations set up, whereby you can sort documents categories, and throw away unwanted ‘charitable’ items and e-waste

The Project Team will be collating any charitable items and assist in distribution to the approved charities

You will also be allowed to make use of 1 box, to assist in taking home any personal items. These will however need to be signed out by security a

Boxes and labels will also be available in your areas

We do ask that you refrain from giving any ‘freebies’ to any contractors on site

All e-waste will be collated and taken to IM and correctly disposed of

Helpful Tips for the Pack-up and Sorting

Employees can start clearing out their personal space. Documents owned by the individual at their workstation, credenza, pedenza, locker and shelf in the filing units (Not team or individual filing)

Excessive waste

No-brainer items

Mail and printed emails

Magazines and newspapers


Redundant files and redundant piles of documents

Reference books (old editions)

Obsolete books, manuals, marketing material

Old files, clips, staples, pens, etc.

Organising their workspace as to what they are storing

A reminder of what your Move Champions are here for

Movers serve as liaisons between the relocation team and the business unit

  • Assist with site visits for information gathering at each respective business unit’s current office area
  • Assist in driving the pack-up and sorting campaign
  • Inform the relocation team of special requirements and business unit exceptions
  • Distribute packaging materials and packing of special areas
  • Oversee the packing of storerooms and team storage
  • Assist with ensuring boxes and IT assets are labelled correctly and overall move readiness
  • Sign out relocation boxes and miscellaneous items on the agreed move day
  • Be available if required, over the move weekends
  • Need to be present on the move-in day to sign in the correct number of boxes and IT equipment
  • Assist in ensuring that the relevant employees are available for IT and printer testing
  • Assist with the unpacking process after the move