Movers and Shapers

Who are our Move Champions?
Below are your unstoppable Move Champions. If you have specific storage or special needs, or if you have general questions regarding your move, please reach out to anyone of them:

  • Amye Vuyo Matlou
  • Aniekie Mathebula
  • Annetjie Muntingh
  • Carin Kriek
  • Daleen Eksteen
  • Denise Wasserman
  • Eldene Bester
  • Ella Ferreira
  • Elmarie Esterhuizen
  • Farnaaz Govender
  • Gesila Le Fleur
  • Gina Jeffery
  • Glory Maluleka
  • Jessica Els
  • Kimi Bartman
  • Nthabiseng Macamo
  • Salamina Mathobela
  • Selina Mphuthi

What do our Move Champions do?
Our Movers will:

  •  Assist with site visits for information gathering at each respective business unit current office area
  • Assist in driving the clean up campaign
  • Inform the Relocation team of special requirements and business unit exceptions
  • Distribute packaging materials and packing of special areas
  •  Oversee the packing of storerooms and team storage
  • Assist with ensuring boxes and IT assets are labelled correctly and overall move readiness
  • Sign out relocation boxes and miscellaneous items on the agreed move day
  • Be available if required, over the move weekends
  • Need to be present on the move-in day to sign in the correct number of boxes and IT Equipment
  • Assist in ensuring that the relevant employees are available for IT and printer testing
  • Assist with the unpacking process after the move

Who are our Shapers?
We are currently putting together our dynamic team of Change Champions.

  • Are you a Shaper who can help us ensure that the move runs smoothly?
  • Do you want to be in the know and be able to inform your colleagues of the latest exciting info of the campaign?
  • Do you want to influence and shape the change and engagement process?
  • Are you seen as an influencer by your team, managers, and department?

Volunteer or nominate a colleague by chatting to Melangini or Dolly, or email
